I have been an insurance agent for almost 30 years and insured generations of families. I have congratulated clients when a new child is born, shared in the joy of a daughter getting married and consoled a widow after the death of a husband. Thru all of the cycles of life we have been there to help every step of the way. As sad as it is, when a loved one passes away, I take comfort in being able to hand a grieving widow a check from a life insurance policy that her husband was so wise to carry. This could have resulted in financial devastation but instead allowed the family to live in the manner that they are accustomed to.
I know life insurance is a difficult subject to talk about but there are a few ways that you can protect your loved ones financially. As we all know our jobs are an uncertainty and that is why we can’t rely on the life insurance that is provided by your employer. If you lose your job or change jobs that life insurance is terminated, leaving your family at risk!
Life insurance can provide the financial support that your family needs to survive. Items such as utility bills, mortgage, burial expenses, college tuition and outstanding debt all add up and can be overwhelming.
My goal as your agent is to provide financial protection to meet your changing needs during an entire lifetime. If you don’t have life insurance or you want to review your existing insurance, call us today (702) 254-7774