Apparently there has been a rash of auto accidents where bogus information is being given out. Some of the bogus information is wrong cell phone numbers, fraudulent auto insurance information and incorrect contact information. I thought this might be a good time to review what you should do in case of an auto accident.
1. Stop and render aid. Be careful if you’re on a freeway or busy street to avoid further injuries or damages.
2. Call the Police or 911 immediately.
3. Get the other driver’s information. This is where the problem can be if the accident is on private property and the police won’t investigate. Get their cell phone number and call it right then to make sure the number is correct. You can say you’re calling them so they will have your number. Make sure you look at their drivers license and registration and write down all the info. Also, write down their license plate number and auto insurance info.
4. Be careful what you say. Don’t admit responsibility. Investigation may show you were not responsible.
5. Call us or your auto insurance provider. We can advise you on what to do next.
If you would like any more information, contact our office at 702-254-7774 or stop by and pick up an auto accident information brochure.