Ah yes, it’s that wonderful time of year. Time to clean up the bar-b-que grill, break out the lounge chairs and of course freshen up my Mai Tai recipe. I just wanted to write about all the things we love about Spring.
1. The Weather
Time to pack away the coats and bust out the bikinis! It will soon be in the 80’s, then 90’s so enjoy a little nice weather…
2. Wardrobe
Okay guys, time to break out the flip flops and board shorts and girls shorts and tank tops
Flaunt it if you got it! You kept your New Year’s resolution, right?
3. Vacations
It’s not only time to start thinking about your Summer Vacation but how about the Spring
Weekend get a ways, golfing with the guys, girls trip or romantic getaways.
4. Sports
Wow, isn’t this great? We have baseball, NBA playoffs, Hockey Playoffs, and the Masters.
Who’s making Tiger prop bets? Does it get any better than this?
5. Food
After a Winter full of comfort food, it’s time for grilling, salads, fresh fruit, lemonade, iced tea
and yes homemade ice cream. (or better yet late night trips to Dairy Queen!)
6. Spring Cleaning
It’s not as bad as it sounds. Open up your doors and windows, let some fresh air in.
In this economy, make some money and have a garage sale.
7. Home Safety Check
I know you don’t like hearing this, but change the batteries in your smoke alarms and replace
your air conditioning filters. Don’t forget to change your watering schedule or you know the
big bad Water District will come after you.
8. Outdoors
Oh yea! The great outdoors: camping, golfing, hiking, fishing, boating and outdoor concerts.
Maybe even time to plant a garden.
9. Family Time
Not only are there outdoor bar-b-que’s, but how about family get togethers for Memorial Day
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
10. Very Important!! Ha Ha
It might be a good time to dust off your insurance policies and let us review them. Why not,
it only takes a few minutes and when was the last time you stopped by and said Hi? Call
me at 702-254-7774.