
Nevada now has a cell phone/texting  while driving law.

Starting on October 1, 2011 you can be pulled over for texting while driving or using a handheld cell phone while driving. From October 1, 2011 until January 1, 2012 only warnings will be issued but if you are pulled over they can still ticket you for anything else, like seat belts for example!

So, it’s time to put them where we can’t be tempted to use them while driving or get a hands free device or bluetooth. After January 1, 2012 Police will be writing pretty heafty tickets with the fines growing with each offense! (See below)

Please don’t text and drive, it is very dangerous. As always, we are here to assist you with all of your insurance needs. Call us at 702-254-7774 or stop by today for a quote on your auto insurance and we will give you a free renters or homeowners quote too!

Below is an update from handsfreeinfo.com with a little more detailed information on the new laws and fines:

Cell, texting news: As of Oct. 1, law officers in Nevada may stop and warn motorists who are texting or using handheld cell phones. The ticketing starts Jan. 1, 2012. Fines will be $50, then $100 and then $250.

Nevada banned handheld cell phone use and text messaging for all drivers. Enforcement is primary, meaning drivers can be stopped and cited for that reason alone. Nevada was the 34th state to ban texting while driving.

The measure, SB 140, has was approved by Gov. Brian Sandoval, who made it clear that he would support a statewide ban on text messaging while driving. The Assembly’s final vote came May 30 and the Senate signed off June 4.

Sen. Shirley Breeden was the bill’s author. Her texting bill of 2010 failed to get out of committee, but, undaunted, she added handheld cell phones to 2011 plan. “We’re going to go for the whole enchilada,” she said as the legislative year began.

The Senate watered down Breeden’s texting & talking ban on April 26, lowering fines to match the Assembly’s version in order to get a distracted driving bill through.

2011 legislation:
SB 140: Would outlaw text messaging and using handheld cell phones while driving in Nevada. Would prevent cities and counties from creating similar laws. Original bill’s fines: $250 (first offense), then $500, then $1,000 plus license suspension of six months. Fines doubled in highway work zones. Warnings until Jan. 1, 2012. Amended and approved by the Senate Transportation Committee on March 17. Amendments approved by voice vote in Senate on April 22. Amended bill’s fines: $50/$100/$250. No license suspensions. Approved by the Senate in a 12-9 vote on April 26. OK’d by the Assembly in a 24-7 vote on May 30. The Senate’s final approval (a voice vote) came June 4 and the measure was sent to the governor. If signed, which is expected, the new Nevada distracted driving law kicks in July 1 with warnings issued until the new year. (Breeden)”

Current prohibitions: None.”

If you have any questions or needan insurance quote, feel free to call, stop by, or ask us here.     702-254-7774, 1161 S Buffalo Dr #103, Las Vegas, NV 89117, or click here.