
We wrote about the DMV issue over a year ago and I wanted to talk about it again. The Department of Motor Vehicles is once again sending out verification notices for auto insurance coverage. We believe the notices are becoming more frequent and can be very frustrating.

As an example, if your auto insurance lapsed for 30 days or less it would cost you a reinstatement fee of $250 per vehicle.  If the insurance lapsed for 31-90 days, it would cost you a $250 reinstatement fee plus an additional fine of $250 for a total of $500 per vehicle. You could actually pay up to $1250 for the first offense. Senate Bill 323, passed during the 2011  Legislative Session , replaced the reinstatement fees with a tiered system of fees and fines for an insurance lapse based on the number of offenses and the length of the lapse. For a more detailed list of DMV penalties click here.

DMV is now using a new computer program called Liability Insurance Validated Electronically (LIVE). The program validates auto liability insurance with your current  Insurance Carrier. This is where the trouble starts. The name and vehicle ID number on your auto registration must match EXACTLY with your auto insurance policy. If either of these don’t match, the program will not link with DMV and confirm your coverage.

You can use this link :  https://dmvapp.nv.gov/dmv/vr/vr_dev/VR_reg/VR_Reg_Default.aspx  to verify that  your auto insurance and registration are linked and coverage is confirmed. This should resolve most issues. If you have any questions, call us at 702-254-7774