Funny Holiday Nightmares Exposed! Vote Now!
OK everyone, we all know how crazy the holidays can make people, right? It's not always funny at the time, but when we reflect on holidays of the past... we all have some funny stories to share. Sometimes it is a story someone else told us to make us feel better when...
Life Insurance Myths
Life insurance is not a simple product. Even term life policies have many elements that must be considered carefully in order to arrive at the proper type and amount of coverage. But the technical aspects of life insurance are far less difficult for most people to...
This is really SCARY!!
Recently I've had two customers who were involved in accidents where the other party was at fault and the vehicles were totaled. The total amount of each vehicle was approximately $25,000. In both cases, the other driver had only state minimum liability of $10,000...
Extended Car Warranties
People are spending millions of dollars each year on Extended Warranties for their cars. How do you know which warranty to buy? How do I avoid getting ripped off? Should we buy it through the Dealership? I've done some research and have some helpful tips. 1. You can...
Kitchen Fire-Watch Video!!!
READ BEFORE YOU WATCH THE VIDEO!! Fire Insurance (Homeowner's Insurance or Renter's Insurance) is a great thing to have, but prevention is always the key! Please pay attention to this video and pass it on, it could save your life or the life of your loved ones! I...
Ewww! That Had to Hurt and It’s Kinda Gross!
It's that time of the year when we all start to clean up our yards and do a little spring cleaning. Make sure that you are properly protected for the task. Recently two of my family members were bitten (most likely by spiders) and they didn't even realize it until it...
Why Me? #%&*@
There will be 27 million people traveling by car this Memorial Day weekend and with summer approaching I thought it might be a good time to give out some car care tips. These will also save on fuel economy. 1. Check the air pressure in your tires. Under inflated...
Life Changing New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year! Most people spend the majority of January trying not to break their New Year's Resolutions and then hoping that they can make it through February... Why not make a New Year's Resolution that can potentially change your loved ones lives! Life Insurance...
Las Vegas Apartment Fires
Once again in Las Vegas last week there was another apartment fire. It seems like we see this often... The fire department putting out the fire with the news media interviewing families that have just been displaced waiting for the Red Cross for help. If there is one...
Santa Makes Kids Cry!!!
Everyone knows someone who had a kid cry when they went to take a picture with Santa. Maybe the Santa was creepy, or just one of the least believable Santa's you have ever seen. Maybe your kid peed on his lap or pulled off his beard. Maybe the Santa was so ridiculous...