
In the past week or so we have had 2 motorcycle fatalities in the Las Vegas Valley!

You can’t help but think about the people they left behind.

Did they have life insurance?

Did the other person have enough auto liability insurance? (at this point I don’t think anyone
could have too much insurance.)

Think about the widow who is left without her soul mate, father of her children, bread winner, and her best friend! Can you really put a price on what she has just lost? How will she be able to pay her bills, care for her children, or just manage to make it in this economy without her husband?

In the state of Nevada the legal minimum auto insurance limits are 15/30/10. If the person who took the life of this motorcyclist happened to carry just the minimum limits the widow will get $15,000 from that person’s insurance company for the loss of her husband. This may force her to turn to an attorney for additional compensation.

At this point, what would you pay to have made a better decision when choosing the limits on your auto insurance? Does that extra $10- $20 dollars a month really seem that important when something like this happens? Accidents happen, that’s why we carry auto insurance…to cover the big stuff.

Prepare for the unexpected,Life Insurance policies are more affordable than you think.

Call me to evaluate your current auto and life insurance policies and see if you have enough protection today!